In Chetumal you can find different historical places to visit but we only focus our weblog in the following ones, although it does not mean that the other should be less important.
Cultural Center of Fine Arts:
From 1939 to 1989 was considered the first school in Quintana Roo. Now this building is the Cultural Center of Fine Arts,which house the Museum of the City and the Minerva theatre.
Mayan Cultural Museum:
From 1939 to 1989 was considered the first school in Quintana Roo. Now this building is the Cultural Center of Fine Arts,which house the Museum of the City and the Minerva theatre.
Mayan Cultural Museum:
It was inaugurated in 1993 and is considered the largest museum of the State dedicated to the Mayan Culture.
Museum of the City:
It was inaugurated in March 1999, here you can find historical documents, photographs, furniture, weapons and other objects about the history of Chetumal's foundation.
Cultural Polyforum Rafael E. Melgar:
It was inaugurated in 2008, here you can enjoy film festivals.